Rules - Everburn
Click on the tabs to view the different sections of the rules.
Rules are essential for maintaining a fair, respectful, and enjoyable environment on our Minecraft server. They set clear expectations and foster a positive community where players can engage without disruption.
By choosing to play on this server, you acknowledge and agree to follow these rules, helping us create a welcoming and balanced experience for everyone.
Breaking these rules may result in:
- Warnings
- Temporary bans
- Permanent removal from the server
There may be unlisted ways to break the rules. Staff may remove disruptive players at their discretion.
Be Respectful
Treat everyone with kindness. Harassment, offensive language, or any form of disrespect will not be tolerated.
No Spamming
Avoid flooding channels with unnecessary messages, links, or emojis. Keep communication clear and concise.
Follow Channel Topics
Post only relevant content in each channel to keep discussions organized and on-topic.
No NSFW Content
All content shared should be appropriate for a general audience. NSFW content is strictly prohibited.
No Advertising
Self-promotion or advertising without permission is prohibited. Please seek approval before sharing any external links or promotions.
Bot Commands
Execute all bot commands within the #Botspam channel to keep other channels clean.
Follow Discord's TOS
Ensure all actions on the server comply with Discord's Terms of Service.
Be Kind and Respectful
Treat others with kindness and respect. Personal attacks, harassment, bullying, or trolling will not be tolerated. If you witness doxxing or harassment, report it immediately.
Chat Etiquette
Keep all communication PG and respectful. Avoid swearing, spamming, self-promotion, or sharing NSFW content. For easier communication, please stick to English in chat.
Usernames and Nicknames
Use appropriate usernames and nicknames that are respectful and suitable for all members of the community.
Stay on Topic
Avoid discussing controversial social or political topics. The focus of the server is to foster a fun, inclusive community centered around Minecraft.
Follow Staff Instructions
Listen to staff members and cooperate with their requests. If you have any disputes or concerns, address them privately with the moderation team.
No Cheating or Exploiting
Fair Gameplay
We value fair gameplay to ensure a positive experience for everyone.
Cheating includes using unauthorized mods, hacks, or software that provide unfair advantages, such as:
- X-ray mods
- Fly hacks
- Auto-clickers
- Radars
Exploiting refers to abusing in-game mechanics, glitches, or unintended features to gain an advantage. Examples include:
- Duplicating items
- Bypassing protections
- Using unapproved macros
Reporting Bugs
If you're unsure whether something is allowed, assume it isn’t or ask staff for clarification. Found a bug? Report it immediately to help maintain a fair and balanced environment.
Taking advantage of bugs or exploits will result in strict penalties.
Protect your belongings to avoid losing them! Use land-claiming tools like campsites or towns to safeguard your builds. Town mayors and residents are responsible for maintaining their town’s bank balance to cover daily upkeep costs. The more chunks a town claims, the higher the daily upkeep cost will be. Experienced mayors and rulers know how to charge their residents a fair tax value that helps fund thriving cities and nations.
New mayors should deposit funds into the town bank immediately to ensure the town’s continued protection and avoid disbandment. Failure to maintain the bank balance will result in the town falling into ruin and the loss of all claimed land, exposing you and your residents to other looting players.
To secure containers and doors, use the /lock command. Locks remain effective for up to four months after a player becomes inactive. Remember, it’s your responsibility to use these features to protect your items.
If you need help claiming land or forming towns to protect your possessions, refer to the Towny command help located in Server Guide, consult the wiki, or ask around in chat or Discord for assistance.
Looting is only allowed in abandoned towns—do not take items from active players or towns. Before looting, always check the Earth and Towny maps to confirm that no claimed chunks are nearby. Be cautious of PvP in certain worlds or areas, and consider denying teleport requests from unknown players to avoid unwanted confrontations.
Stealing is strictly prohibited. Respect all Towny claims and protections—never scam or rob other players. Always lock your containers using the /lock command to prevent unauthorized access. For tips on securing your belongings, refer to the Upkeep section of the rules.
Griefing is also prohibited. This includes breaking blocks or robbing active players or towns, even if the land isn’t claimed. Respect others' builds and possessions—damage or theft of any kind is not allowed, regardless of the land protection status of active players.
Spawner Limits
- Max 4 spawners per chunk: No more than 4 spawners are allowed in a single chunk.
- Redstone control: Spawners must be toggled using redstone signals (e.g., levers) to operate.
- Efficiency: Larger mob farms should be split apart to improve server performance and ensure optimal loot and experience rates.
Entity Limits
- Max 50 entities per base: No more than 50 animals or mobs may be alive at once in a player's base.
- Excess entities: Exceeding this limit will result in the automatic removal of excess entities.
- Avoid unnecessary complexity: Do not create overly complex redstone contraptions.
- Lag machines: Redstone lag machines and repeater loops will be automatically broken or removed to prevent server issues.
Dropped Items
- Collection systems required: Items that drop to the ground must have a direct collection system in place.
- Avoid vanilla collection methods: Vanilla systems (e.g., pushers, water/ice) may result in item loss and server lag. Consider using advanced systems like:
- Slimefun Cargo Systems
- Networks
- Infused Hoppers
- Chunk Collectors
- Item despawn: Certain items on the ground will vanish within 30 seconds.